Our Story

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

At SJCOC, we believe the church is the body of Christ.

 We believe in the inerrant Word of God.  We believe in the active working of the Holy Spirit.  We know Christ as our Savior, the only son of God who gave Himself for us.  We value prayer, reaching families, and reaching our community.  


We see a Christian body deep with God & visible as His kingdom in Saint Joseph.


We will encourage spiritual disciplines & maturity to create a relational culture with one another & God built on faith, hope, and love.

Our Lead Pastor


Pastors Luke and Jenny share a vision to love our city. Several years ago, they remember flying into town and feeling an overwhelming calling to start Simple Church. A few weeks later, gathered with friends around their kitchen table, a dream was birthed to launch the church and change the community.

Follow their story on Instagram

@lukeinstagram + @jennyinstagram

Meet Our Team


Pastoral Staff


Ryan Rosser

Lead Pastor

Bekah Schneider

Executive & Family Ministries Pastor

Mark Stamps

Worship & Groups Pastor


Administrative Staff


Sarah Collum

Office Manager

Cassy Shamp

Business Administrator

Contact us